Efficient contract management with Adminflow

Posted by:
Monica Eriksen
June 30, 2023

Contract management is an essential part of the administrative work in all companies, and with Adminflow you can ensure a simpler, more efficient and not least digitized contract management process for your company.

Keeping control of buyer and supplier contracts can be a constant challenge. Most companies have far more contracts than they realize. These contracts can be hidden in inboxes, local file folders, shared folders and are not centralized either. It is difficult to search for a contract number and difficult to find the contract you are looking for.

You often have to read through the entire contract to find the information you are looking for. Try to find the expiry date on your lease in Kristiansand, for example. With Adminflow, you have all this easily available and the most important information is easy to find without having to read the entire agreement.

Documentation and information can be lost, and contracts are renewed without you wanting renewal. This can lead to the team missing important information needed to make effective forecasts and maintaining cost control.

Digitization of contract management is becoming increasingly important, and with the right system it can be a game changer for your company. Here are six benefits you get with the digital contract management tool we've developed in Adminflow:

  1. Centralized storage and access
    With Adminflow, all contracts can be stored in one place - in the cloud. The centralized storage makes it easy to organize, index and search for contracts when needed. You no longer need to search through paper documents or various data storage systems. By having all the contracts gathered in one place, all affected parties can access the contracts and any associated documents regardless of where they are located geographically.
  2. Better control and traceability
    Adminflow gives organizations better control over the contract process. The tool tracks status, alerts about important events and deadlines, and maintains a clear history. This provides better insight and an overview of the contracts, including when they were created, changed, signed and renewed. With a complete overview, you can effectively manage the contract lifecycle and ensure that all steps are followed up on time.
  3. Risk reduction and compliance
    A secure digital contract management tool helps you manage risk and ensure compliance with regulations, laws and contractual obligations. The tool in Adminflow can generate reminders about important deadlines, automate notifications about renewals or audits, and ensure that all necessary information and documentation is available for audits and legal purposes.
  4. Better collaboration and communication
    Adminflow enables easier collaboration and communication between different stakeholders in the contract process. By allowing the sharing of comments, notes and documents, the tool can ensure that all relevant parties are involved and up-to-date in contract negotiations and review. This promotes effective collaboration and helps to avoid misunderstandings.
  5. Insights and reporting
    The tool in Adminflow can generate reports based on contract data. This provides insight into the contract portfolio, such as the number of contracts, values, important terms and risk areas. Such data can be useful for strategic planning, decision-making and evaluation of contract performance. By having access to such a tool, your company can better understand its own contract portfolio and make informed decisions.
  6. Streamlining you work flow
    With Adminflow, the process of creating, approving, signing and following up contracts is automated and streamlined. The tool reduces manual tasks, increases efficiency and minimizes the possibility of human error. By saving time and resources, organizations can focus on other important tasks and achieve better results.
A place for all your contracts

With Adminflow on board, it is easy to store and make all types of contracts available on a secure platform, which simplifies processes, reduces costs and provides better control over contract administration. With Adminflow, businesses can take full control of their contract administration and achieve better results in today's competitive market.

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